Welcome! PC Help! is here to help. We provide on-site, as well as shop repair services, Consulting, Training, Web Design, Graphics Design, Troubleshooting, Maintenance, and Upgrades for Home and Business Systems.
Our goal is to make technology work the way you want it to. That can be a lofty goal as we are dealing with physical elements, not magical. The multitude of options is what makes technology adaptable to almost any situation, but it also makes things more complicated.
Working with technology can best be described as “Ever Changing”, which makes life interesting to say the least, rewarding at best.
Technology is all around us
Everybody uses technology, from computers, to cell phones, to television, technology is all around us making our lives more complicated in an effort to simplify.
PH: (206) 478-7439
email: mike@virtualpchelp.com